Hello 👋 I’m Craig Constantine.

7 for Sunday is a weekly serving of 7 things for you to savor. — It’s an email containing my reflections on interesting things I find laying about, seasoned with some quotes from my collection.

5 minutes of reading, no hooks, no guest posts, no advertising, no nonsense. Do you want an email you’ll look forward to getting?

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  • Writing matters

    Issue № 124

    Writing matters

    How do I write what matters? I am aware that the Muse gives me bits of ideas. I feel I have a responsibility to be prepared for those gifts, and to that end I am very intentional with my surroundings. If my surroundings are distracting, or if my mind is overwhelmed, I’ll drop all else…

  • Anthropocentric

    Issue № 123


    How do we know? Of course my default point of view is anthropocentric. I am a human being. As such, I have a super-power called the Theory of Mind: In my mind, I understand (the theory goes) that there are other minds completely separate from mine. Imagining the contents of those (theorized) other minds is…

  • Help thyself

    Issue № 122

    Help thyself

    How can I transform short-term inspiration into long-term change? I’m fixated on trying to get consistently good at converting short-term ideas and inspiration, into long-term life changes. For example: “Eat better,” is easy most of the time. Until I get stressed out, and run to the TV-monster to shut off my brain. Then, well I…

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7 for Sunday is a hand-rolled, algorithm-free, completely free publication.

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