Hello 👋 I’m Craig Constantine.

7 for Sunday is a weekly serving of 7 things for you to savor. — It’s an email containing my reflections on interesting things I find laying about, seasoned with some quotes from my collection.

5 minutes of reading, no hooks, no guest posts, no advertising, no nonsense. Do you want an email you’ll look forward to getting?

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  • Stories in the end

    Issue № 120

    Stories in the end

    Of what value are stories, and how do they shape our identity? As each new year begins, I start thinking about writing a list of the things I’ve learned. “54 things I’ve learned in 54 years,” or maybe, “14 things from 14 years of blogging.” In recent years I don’t even open a document to…

  • Navigation

    Issue № 119


    Can we navigate fulfillment, work, and societal expectations to find a meaningful life? About three weeks ago, the celestial dance carried me through a solstice. Here in the northern hemisphere, it was the shortest day of the year. I know well that late December is cold, but it’s usually late January and early February when…

  • Cynosure

    Issue № 118


    How can a guiding word or phrase shape a person’s life over time? In 2012 I began selecting a phrase or a word to use as a guide for the coming year. A friend of mine showed me there’s a word for such a guide: Cynosure. My consciousness is a strange, obtuse, mystery to me, but…

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7 for Sunday is a hand-rolled, algorithm-free, completely free publication.

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