Issue № 32
Human collaborators
And so we did the math, and it was really at the same time that I had lost [my idea] that she had gotten [her idea]. And we like to think that the idea jumped from my mind to hers during our little kiss that we had when we met. That’s our magical thinking around…
Issue № 31
The project started with the intent to regenerate a forgotten piece of land in a dense Coburg pocket. Felicity and her husband, architect Marc Bernstein, purchased the awkwardly shaped 250 square metre block to make it happen, but council deemed the land ‘undevelopable’, and banks were unwilling to approve finances. ~ Amelia Barnes from, https://thedesignfiles.net/2022/09/architecture-hutt-01-passive-house/…
Issue № 30
What does done look like?
And then they got home, and there were piles of tasks, emails and messages waiting for them. The urgency of those piles threw them off their best intentions. The urgency of piles throws off all of our best laid plans. ~ Leo Babauta from, https://zenhabits.net/piles/ If I could have one wish this holiday season (maybe…
Issue № 29
Unlearning how to pose
The old and the very young have always held sway for me because of bald and unerring candor, and the lack of affectation. They had either stopped posing or had not yet learned to pose. ~ Mylinh Shattan from, https://treehouseletter.com/2022/09/06/98853/ Intentional or not, I’m awarding style points for the innuendo which Shattan’s use of the…
Issue № 28
A form of movement
The old and the very young have always held sway for me because of bald and unerring candor, and the lack of affectation. They had either stopped posing or had not yet learned to pose. ~ Mylinh Shattan from, https://treehouseletter.com/2022/09/06/98853/ Intentional or not, I’m awarding style points for the innuendo which Shattan’s use of the…
Issue № 27
The results of fully listening are profound and couldn’t be more relevant today in times of immense distractions and a world constantly in a rush: Others feel accepted. They feel heard. They take their own words more seriously. By thinking out loud, they are discovering their own words and, by that, their own true selves.…
Issue № 26
A glimpse
The best way to get a vivid impression and feeling of a landscape, is to sit down before it and read, or become otherwise absorbed in thought; for then, when your eyes happen to be attracted to the landscape, you seem to catch Nature unawares, and see her before she has time to change her…
Issue № 25
It’s all problems
Spearman was right that people differ in their ability to solve well-defined problems. But he was wrong that well-defined problems are the only kind of problems. “Why can’t I find someone to spend my life with?” “Should I be a dentist or a dancer?” and “How do I get my child to stop crying?” are…
Issue № 24
I probably need to work on this
My life is always better when I treat myself as if I were someone I care about. ~ Hugh Hollowell from, https://www.soverybeautiful.org/how-we-treat-ourselves/ I’m really good at digging in and schlepping through the hard work. I’m really good at figuring out how to make three strange pieces fit together so these four people can make some…
Issue № 23
At the slightest hint of boredom, you can now surreptitiously glance at any number of apps or mobile-adapted websites that have been optimized to provide you an immediate and satisfying dose of input from other minds. It’s now possible to completely banish solitude from your life. ~ Cal Newport from, https://www.calnewport.com/blog/2022/08/08/new-study-confirms-the-value-of-solitude/ Newport is on-point. (Although,…