Issue № 22
Periscope depth
When we have a bit of time to relax, we tend to spend time on activities that provide us with a quick dopamine hit. This is especially the case when we spend our downtime in the digital world. The key to relaxation is to invest in strategies that make your mind less stimulated. Usually this…
Issue № 21
Forward is the best option
Because forward is the best option. Let’s go with one that makes the most sense–and if you don’t have a better plan, you should be responsible enough to back the one that’s most likely to work, even, especially, if you don’t like it. ~ Seth Godin from, https://seths.blog/2023/02/the-obligation-of-none-of-the-above/ For me, this “rhythms” with things like…
Issue № 20
The issue with play structures is that they train you to play only within affordances. When the space that you play in is designed by someone else, you are pushed towards playing only in the ways that they envisioned. A play structure affords a small set of actions, and as a player, you only get…
Issue № 19
You don’t say
I first discovered sarcasm as a freshman in college, which I realize makes me a bit of a late bloomer as far as teenagers go. There were certain classmates who seemed to always come across as clever and funny no matter the topic. Over time I noticed there was a simple formula to their contributions…
issue № 18
More present
A million years from now, when alien anthropologists begin gathering evidence about what humans were like, they will definitely want to dig up the Self-help and Spiritual/Religion sections of our bookstores and libraries. There they will find direct evidence of what we yearned for and struggled with. ~ David Cain from, https://www.raptitude.com/2022/07/trying-to-be-more-present-isnt-enough/ For some reason…
Issue № 17
Full stop
Death is a declarative punctuation mark – a period in a life full of commas and semicolons. Death is a full stop, the end of opportunities for the deceased and those who knew them. Death is cruel like that. ~ Hugh Hollowell from, https://www.soverybeautiful.org/if-we-love-we-grieve/ I like the punctuation metaphor. I like the finality of the…
Issue № 16
The gap
The Wrights’ story shows something more common than we realize: There’s often a big gap between changing the world and convincing people that you changed the world. ~ Morgan Housel from, http://www.collaborativefund.com/blog/when-you-change-the-world-and-no-one-notices/ On one hand, we could simply define “changed the world” to be when people have actually noticed, or when the change is wide-spread. On the…
Issue № 15
The great conversation
As Marcus stood upon the Stoa Poikile, he would have gazed across the Agora where Socrates once discussed philosophy, and where he was later put on trial, imprisoned, and executed. Beyond the Agora, Marcus would have seen the Temple of Athena known as the Parthenon. At that time a colossal statue of the goddess of…
Issue № 14
Choose today
In recent years I’ve been choosing a touch phrase. The phrases are reminders, intended to cue up a larger train of thought. For 2023 the phrase is “Choose today”. It is inspired by two different quotes, both having withstood the test of time: Stick to what’s in front of you—idea, action, utterance. This is what…
Issue № 13
Tis’ the season to be thankful
Thank you for reading! I appreciate your time and attention, and I don’t take it for granted. In years past I’ve posted some links to things which I pay for—if I’m not paying for something, then I’m probably the product being sold. So I prefer to pay for things when I can (when I’m able and…